New Study Suggests Negative Impact of High Intensity Exercise After Baby

No negative effects were found for light activity within the first year after birth.

Katie Sue Webber
Katie Sue Webber
Mom to two sweet little boys. Helping moms is her passion.
Last updated
April 18, 2023

A recent study published in the Journal of Sport Sciences examined the load on the pelvic floor muscle with different activity levels throughout the first year postpartum. The study found that high intensity activity put high stress on the pelvic floor and had a negative effect on the muscles versus light activity, which had no negative effect on the pelvic floor muscles. Negative effects were defined as a decent associated with prolapse. The study demonstrates the importance of slowly building back the muscles and retraining the deep core intentionally versus jumping right back into higher levels of exercise after having a baby.

Read more (via Journal of Sports Sciences)

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