Strep Throat In Kids Is On The Rise. Look for These Unusual Symptoms.
The current strain of strep is causing some atypical symptoms in children under three including fever, and congestion and a runny nose.

Doctors warn of an atypical spike in strep throat this season that has already led to the death of two children. The number of cases is double that of the highest year in the past twenty years. Many of the cases are presenting atypically, such as low-grade fever, congestion, and runny nose in children under 3. Others are asymptomatic carriers.
There is an urge from the CDC for parents to be on the watch and get their children tested early to help keep cases as low as possible.
Consider getting tested for strep or consult their doctor if your child has:
- Classic symptoms of strep, especially a fever, for 24 hours
- Cold-like symptoms that are not improving or getting worse
- Been exposed to strep by family members, friends, or classmates
Read more (via Today)